When I was younger I used to wonder where my ideas came from. I knew I was capable of coming up with more ideas then most people, but they seemed to come randomly. I didn't think I had any control over generating ideas. If I had a project to do in an art class, I felt like I was lucky if I came up with a good idea. That perhaps they just spontaneously appeared when I needed them. Sometimes they would be good ideas and sometimes they were just average. Then there were the times that I felt like there was no idea and panic would set in.
The Artful Soul Earring Kit, Tara's Tapestry was inspired by an angel, believe it or not. I have a very good friend that lost her daughter to cancer a few years ago. One day I was on my way to see my friend and I felt the urge to make a pair of earrings to take to her as a gift. I started putting pieces together with a feeling of some kind of prompting. It is a flow that happens when I get my mind in the right place while creating. I made the Tara's Tapestry earrings for her in a pretty periwinkle blue. When I arrived at her house and gave them to her, over a period of time while talking and looking at them, we realized there was much more to these earrings then a simple gift. My friend had on a necklace that matched them almost perfectly. I had never seen the necklace. She told me that she had always wanted a pair of earrings to go with the necklace. Then as we went into a room that had many of the things that her daughter, Tara had loved in it, we noticed a shawl that belonged to Tara. The earrings matched the shawl perfectly. The tapestry like design of the beads was identical to the design of the shawl and the colors were the same. The feel and design of the earrings was a perfect match to the shawl. It was as if I had made the earrings to wear with the shawl and I had never even seen it! It was in that moment that I realized that urge to make those earrings came through promptings from her daughter. I had a feeling while making the earrings that somehow the idea was coming from outside of me. Tara was an artist as well while she was alive and somehow she has been able to speak to me from beyond and use me as a vessel for creativity and a gift for her mother. This to me is true inspiration....In Spirit! And only goes to show that our ideas are not to be owned, they come through us and are always available if we are open to inspiration!
If you aren't sure you believe in angels, look at the picture my friend took on the first anniversary of Tara's passing. It is an amazing example of what is really around us. Angels are everywhere! Click on the picture to really see it.....
Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing this story. There is so much all around us each day that we can feel and see when we are open and present. For me the trick is to quiet myself and then the magic appears!
Thank You for such a beautiful, inspiring post.
Ideas are everywhere. Sometimes I get the feeling to create and have no clue 'what'. But if I ask inside, then listen, the 'what' flows, comes and off we go...
Trusting the vibe, enough to follow through with the 'what' seems to be the key. So that we go 'off', explore, through paint, the written word, clay, jewellery, whatever the form... so that the idea, the feeling, the inspiration has a chance to be born through us.
Ideas are universal but as we each allow their birth through us, through our unique selves, the manifestation, the expression, is stamped with our individuality, our specific and unique flavour.
Life always supports us with inspiration, ideas. In the form of inner Guidance that can include the whisperings of Angels and guidance from special ones like your friend's daughter wanting to celebrate and gift her mother with a special 'I Love You'. Whatever the source of the inspiration, the 'vibe', our art truly is a collaboration with Life Itself.
When each person on Earth allows their inspiration to come or move through and manifest as their unique offering to Life, each can be free to 'follow their passion' instead of their pension. Our work will be wonderful expressions of our passions, joys and inspirations and attract abundance magically because we will each be totally in our flow.
Thank You also for sharing that picture of the Angel or Divine Presence. It is inspiring and wonderful. And reminds us that we are never alone when we remember that our Guardian Angels and our own Divine Presence are always with us.
Bless You, Lynn!
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