A dream is a thought designed to awaken your spirit.
It is precious and God given. In it you find love for yourself and the lives you touch.
My mission is to follow my dream and teach others to do the same....

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Inspiration.....where does it come from?

I have been thinking about writing this blog for some time now.  Not really knowing what to say or where to start. Today as I was taking a shower it came to me....inspiration!  What and where does inspiration come from. IN SPIRIT!  It can come from anywhere at anytime if one allows it. The trick is to hear it and to follow it!

As artists, and I am speaking about myself here, but I know there are many of you that will understand what I am saying, we often feel guilty about the fact that we love what we do. We struggle with the idea of actually doing what we love and being able to provide for ourselves and perhaps our families. So we unconsciously sabotage it by intending to create while actually feeling guilty about it. That feeling of guilt comes through in our work.  Because every feeling that you hold becomes a part of what you create.

The most important work you can do as an artist or as a person for that matter,  is to accept the love you have for creating and come from that place of love, while you create your art or anything in your life. So your first job is to LOVE yourself. Love yourself by believing that the inspiration you feel for your work, your life and your art is valid and worthy. To not trust that, is to not trust in something greater then you, because that is where your inspiration comes from. Look at the word inspiration....what does it really mean?  IN SPIRIT!

As artists we often sabotage the very love we are expressing in the work we do by not believing in ourselves. The vibration you hold is expressed in your art. If you are holding the vibration of love when you are working on whatever it is you are creating it is transferred into the piece of work and becomes a part of it. That is what people feel when they pick up your work or look at it. Not only do they see it but they feel it.

So your only work today is to get to a place of love within yourself. It doesn't come from anything external. It comes from within and from the source. Call it what you want...God, the universe, the almighty, whatever. It is you....within and without. Your gift, your talent was given to you by source to be expressed through you. Your only job is to allow it, for that is where LOVE is and that is all we are really here to do....to be and express LOVE. Trust in the inspiration that flows through you.....it is all that really matters! Create from that place and you will be doing what you were always meant to do.  Create! Believe in it!

I would love to read your comments about what inspiration means to you and where does it come from?

Have a blessed day!