I have a tendency to want to know what is ahead of me in life. If I make this choice or that choice, what will the results be? I want to know what is ahead on my path so I can make good decisions today. That is my ego trying to control my destiny and forgetting there is something bigger at work in my life.

If I trust each day in the path that is in front of me and begin to look at what I find along the way in each moment, new ideas emerge that I never thought were possible. As I add the new that is discovered each moment along my path, ideas take on new magic and reflect more of what is possible.
The moment of now along our path is were our creativity lies. Each moment creates the path ahead. It is up to us to see what is in that moment and use it as inspiration. It is all around us and within us if we take the time to remember the moment of "now".
So start today where you are and create something. Forget what you did yesterday and forget what it might look like when you finish. Begin now with what you have. Begin at the beginning of the path and start creating something, anything. You don't have to know where it will take you. You don't have to know if you will finish it. You don't have to know if you will like it when you finish. Just create something, "now". It is the only place that your creativity is and it is never wrong. You never know when what you create today will lead you to something bigger and better tomorrow.
Letting our creativity in is a practice as artists we have to learn to do. It is a practice of the mind to let our creativity in. We have to learn to be in the moment to do it. If we are always looking into the future to get our next idea or to create our ideas, we never get to practice how to let our creativity in today. This practice is an art in itself and art is created from this practice. So take the first step on your path and practice creating something, anything today. Then and only then will you see where the path to creativity leads you.